Fodiator Bow Sculpture

Design Inspiration

The name Fodiator comes from one of the genera of flying fish, which is the inspiration together with the combined look of an angler fish, sword fish and archer fish as foundation for this sculpture. 
I wanted the bow to have an automatic bow string grab and tensioner built into the belly of the fish.

Dimensions : 44 cm  x  39 cm  x  28 cm  

Materials : Silver, copper, brass, amethyst, garnet, peridot and topaz

Price upon request

Closer Look at Antikythera

I designed and handmade this fish fantasy sculpture. This project is a bit of a cross with flying fish and sword fish and an angler fish and an archer fish.
At least, visually, that is what I had in mind.
It is made out of silver, copper and brass. It took 450 hours to create.
The sculpture is interactive with an operative crossbow. 
With this project, I wanted the bow to have an automatic bow string grab and tensioner, so that all that had to be done was to move the angler lever back, which pulls the bow string and hooks it behind the trigger,
Then when the angler lever is returned to its resting position, the bow is cocked and all that has to be done was to fit the bolt and shoot it.
Consist of about  300 differently pieces.

More Info on Making Fodiator BOw
Fodiator Bow Sculpture close-up of head

A close-up of Fodiator Bow's head

Fodiator Bow  Sculpture Under Fin /  Wing

Built-in crossbow under  fins

Fodiator Bow Sculpture side view

Side view of the Fodiator Bow Sculpture

Fodiator Bow Sculpture Angle

Fodiator Bow Sculpture viewed sideways

Fodiator Bow Sculpture Under View

View from lower angle of the Fodiator Bow Sculpture

Fodiator Bow Sculpture Arrow

The crossbow tension lever

Fodiator Bow Sculpture Back

Top view of the Fodiator Bow Sculpture

Fodiator Bow Sculpture Top

Streamlined flying fish

Fodiator Bow Sculpture in display case

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